End Teenage Pregnancies in Kenya
Close to 500,000 adolescent (10-19 years) pregnancies in 2018
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- Expand the sexuality education curriculum currently being developed and reviewed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) into the broader community construct and promote ownership among parents, guardians and older peers by orienting them to augment and spread the messages on sexual responsibility among adolescents
- Invest more in advocating against harmful cultural practices including Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), child marriage and ‘beading’ that have contributed to high rates of teenage pregnancies in a number of regions and have proven to be detrimental to girl child development
- Invest in robust protection systems for adolescents facing any form of Sexual Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) by implementing clear structures for reporting, profiling and documenting sexual and gender-based violence at the community level; prioritizing and accelerating court cases on child defilement and waiving all fees related to the same.
- To reduce the high rates of transactional sex, start by making sanitary products available at no cost to young girls in and out of schools.
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